Business Logic & Human Behaviour: PhD, UCL 1008 views

Business Logic & Human Behaviour in Access Control, University College London – Computer Science

Applications are invited for a PhD position in project titled Business Logic & Human Behaviour in Access Control at the Information Security Group of the UCL Department of Computer Science, funded by the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). The studentship is open only to UK nationals because of the funder’s eligibility requirements. The successful candidate will be required to undertake an internship of approximately 2–4 weeks per year at GCHQ’s headquarters in Cheltenham. To be considered for this studentship, candidates must therefore be prepared to undergo GCHQ’s security clearance procedures.

All research that is undertaken at UCL as part of the studentship will be unclassified and published in the open literature.


  • The studentship will be funded for a period of 3.5 years. GCHQ will cover the costs of UCL’s fees and will provide a total tax-free stipend of £23,000 per annum (pro-rata).
  • A generous travel budget is also provided to enable attendance at international conferences and workshops.
  • The start-date for the studentship will be in September 2016 (a later date may be possible).


  • Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and usually a related Master’s degree. Some prior knowledge of some of information/computer security, logic, mathematical modelling using tools such as Matlab, and empirical methods in data collection and analysis would be advantageous.

Enquiry: Sarah Turnbull at

—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity College London
Fellowship LevelPhD
Subject areasComputer Science, Mathematics, Engineering
Fellowship amountMentioned above
EligibilityMaster’s/ UK nationals

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