Call for Proposals: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences 2449 views

The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences is a national facility based in Cambridge, UK, and attracts scientists from around the globe for research programmes in all areas of the mathematical sciences.

About the research programmes:

  • At any one time there are two or three visitor programmes at the Institute, each with up to twenty participants.
  • The Institute invites proposals for 1-, 4- and 6-month research programmes in any branch of the mathematical sciences.

Proposal Submission Guidelines:

The proposals to be formulated under the following headings:

  • A preliminary proposal must be up to 1500 words
  • Title of proposal, together with name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s), and preference for a 1-, 4- or 6-month programme.
  • Scientific case for the proposal (not to exceed four sides of A4): outline of the mathematical/scientific background; statement of possible future directions and developments; main aims of the proposal; description of the role of workshops within the programme; Why, in relation to the policy, is the proposal particularly suited to the Newton Institute; Why, in relation to the policy, is the proposal of particular benefit to the UK.
  • Possible Organizers and potential members of any Scientific Advisory Committee (and their affiliations
  • Potential Participants (and their affiliations)
  • Outline of Programme Structure
  • Indicate any recent or forthcoming meetings of which applicant are aware of within the field of proposal.
  • The proposals to be sent to The Director, preferably by email, to or in hard copy to: The Director, Professor David Abrahams, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 20 Clarkson Road, Cambridge, CB3 0EH, UK
Quick Overview————-
Organization Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Fellowship Level Research awards
Country UK
Subject areas Mathematics
Fellowship amount Varies
Eligibility Open to all nationalities
Deadline 31 January and 31 July

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