PhD in Cellular Biology at the University of Saskatchewan: PhD fellowship position is available at the University of Saskatchewan (Canada). The University values diversity and Aboriginal engagement is a strategic priority.

About the Department: The position is currently open at the laboratory of Dr. Lixin Liu in the Dept of Pharmacology at University of Saskatchewan.

Research Area: To study the cellular and molecular mechanisms of leukocyte recruitment in inflammation.

About the Project:

  1. This laboratory is interested in the role of intracellular signaling molecules in leukocyte recruitment.
  2. The current research in the lab is to explore the role of LSP1 and PI3K in neutrophils and in endothelial cells during neutrophil recruitment and transendothelial migration using mouse models.
  3. The techniques used are intravital microscopy combined with cell biology and biochemistry techniques.

Requirements / Qualifications:

The applicant should have the following:

  1. A master degree in immunology, inflammation, biochemistry, cellular biology, or in related fields,
  2. Excellent laboratory skills
  3. Good communication skills in English,
  4. Enthusiasm in research and ability to work independently and in a team environment.
  5. Experience in research using mouse models, imaging techniques and/or cell-cell interactions will be a plus.

Application Procedure: Interested applicants should submit their current resume, a list of publications, names & detailed contact information of three (03) referees via email to, or fax to Lixin Liu at 306-966-6220, or in regular mail to the following address: Dr. Lixin Liu, Dept. of Pharmacology, University of Saskatchewan, 107 Wiggins

Road, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 5E5.

Quick Overview-—————
OrganizationUniversity of Saskatchewan
Fellowship LevelPhd
Subject areasNatural Sciences / Biotechnology /  Cellular Biology
Fellowship amountNot Mentioned
DeadlineOpen until filled
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