UBC: 50 Masters and PhD scholarships

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies offers approximately 50 Affiliated Fellowships each year to meritorious students for full-time study and/or research leading to a graduate degree. Awards are made on the basis of academic excellence, with applications open to current and prospective full-time UBC graduate students regardless of citizenship or visa status. Fellowship values range from $175 to $30,000, but most are in the range of $16,000.


  1. Applicants for Doctoral Awards: Mid- to late September
  2. Master’s funding: December 1

 ANNUAL VALUE: $175 – 30,000

 Eligibility: CITIZENSHIP

  1. Canadian
  2. Permanent Resident
  3. International


  1. Masters
  2. Doctoral


Health Sciences
Natural Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences and Humanities

Eligibility conditions / ACADEMIC STANDING

  1. Students with a min. Ist class standing in each of the last 2 years of full-time study.
  2. GPA is calculated using all courses taken in a given year.
  3. Candidate with any nationality can apply.
Quick Overview-——–
OrganizationUniversity of British Columbia 
LevelMasters, PhD
Subject areasHealth Sciences,  Natural Sciences and Engineering,  Social Sciences and Humanities
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities 

University of British Columbia


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  1. Mushtaq Ahmed Author

    I want to do PHD in commerce .

  2. Beyene kehamo Angamo Author

    I am very intersted my name is Beyene kehamo i live in Ethiopia i have Bsc degree in urban planning i like to join masters program in related department.

  3. Laila Parveen Shathy Author

    I want to do PhD in in Agriculture in Canada..please suggest me some universities with available sources.

  4. Gatluak Matha Author

    I am research student doing undergraduate studies in Tsukuba University -Japan I am wishing to apply for master program if it could be possible to wind a scholarship admission. You can send me your detail through my email and let me know if I can meet with all your requirements.
    I am have completed my first undergraduate program but I am now doing my research as in- service at post graduate studies.
    Please helps me to know

  5. Pranab Pramanik Author

    I’m searching scholarship for MBA/M.sc in Hospitality in Canada.


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