Doctoral Candidate: Computational Biological Chemistry 1093 views

The Department of Computational Biological Chemistry at the University of Vienna invites application for a Doctoral position. The position is in the context of FWF Project P31024 (Effects of tautomerization on computed binding affinities), PhD position for the duration of three years is available. A strong background in physical / theoretical chemistry, as well as familiarity with computers is expected. Prior experience with drug design and / or molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules is a bonus.

Duration: 3 year/s

About the project:

  • Participation in FWF project P 31024.
  • This requires carrying of molecular dynamics simulations of biological systems, of “alchemical” free energy simulations, and methods development to realize the project goals. Participation in publications / academic articles / presentations.
  • The successful candidate is expected to sign a doctoral thesis agreement within 12-18 months.
  • Candidate will work in the border area of drug design, statistical thermodynamics and computer simulation.


  • Applicant must hold Master’s Degree in Chemistry, Physics, Pharmacy or Biology with relevant specialization (e.g., physical/theoretical chemistry, statistical physics, bioinformatics, or similar).
  • Applicant must possess excellent command on written and spoken English and German.
  • The selected candidate will be expected to work on the development of simulation methods, therefore applicant is expected to prove (1) solid knowledge in using Linux (or other Unix operating systems) and (2) demonstrable knowledge of at least one programming language (e.g., Fortran, C, C++, but also Python etc.). Ability to work in a team.

Research fields:

  • Chemistry: Physical chemistry ;Theoretical chemistry
  • Physics, Astronomy: Chemical physics; Theoretical physics; Statistical physics
  • Biology, Bioinformatics


  • Applications including a letter of motivation (German or English) to be submitted online quoting reference number 8552.
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity of Vienna
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areas

Physical chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry, Statistical Physics, Bioinformatics

Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityMaster’s degree
Deadline30th September 2018

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