Faculty position in materials science and engineering at University of Alberta, Canada 2382 views

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Faculty Position in Materials Engineering at the University of Alberta   : Applications are invited for a tenure-track or tenured Materials Engineering faculty position at any rank.

Requirements / Qualifications:

  • Candidates must hold a PhD in materials science and engineering or closely related field, and demonstrated expertise in physical metallurgy.
  • Applications will be considered that complement existing departmental strengths including physical metallurgy, materials characterization, electronic materials and energy-related materials.
  • Candidates must have the ability to conduct both independent and cooperative research, develop viable and productive research programs, and to teach both undergraduate and graduate courses in materials engineering.

Tasks and work involved: The exceptional experimental and computational facilities available to our faculty members include comprehensive set of analytical and characterization facilities such as the Alberta Centre for Surface Engineering and Science (ACSES) and the nanoFAB (Fabrication & Characterization Facility) and an extensive set of departmental characterization equipment. In addition, our researchers have access to on-site machine and instrumentation shops, as well as one of the most technologically advanced nanotechnology facilities in the world – the National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT).

How to apply: Plz send the following to the given email- address:

  • A curriculum vitae,
  • Names of three confidential references,
  • A statement of teaching interests and philosophy, and
  • A statement of current research interests and plans for future research.

Deadline: March 31, 2016 to:

Dr. K. C. Cadien
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 1H9

Please quote mate16 as the competition number in your application. The position will be available in 2016. Subsequent applications will be considered until the positions are filled.

Note: Online applications are accepted until midnight Mountain Standard Time of the closing date.

Last date : applications will be considered until the positions are filled.

For information about our department please consult our website at www.engineering.ualberta.ca/cme/.

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