Forté Fellows MBA Program for Women, USA 2707 views

Forté Fellows Program was created with the purpose of increasing the number of women applying to and enrolling in MBA programs by offering fellowships to women pursuing a full-time, part-time or executive MBA education at business schools.

In order to be considered for the fellowship, first an MBA application to a participating school has to be submitted. All schools grant awards for full-time students. Part-time and executive awards are available at selected schools.

Benefits of Forté Fellows Program:

  • financial benefits
  • immediate exposure to leading companies
  • Participation in the foundation MBA Women Leadership Conference
  • Participation in Financial Services FAST Track Conference
  • networking opportunities with lead executives and with MBA students from sponsor schools
  • panel discussions and workshops that foster professional and personal development
  • Attachment in the foundation resume book, which is distributed each fall to all the sponsor companies
  • Attachment in the foundation email lists, through which you can stay connected with other Fellows at member schools
  • Special access to the Fellow section of the website and the Fellow LinkedIn group
  • Free lifetime Premium Access Pass ($50 value annually)
  • Mentoring and special opportunities to connect with other Fellows and foundation representatives at your school
  • Leadership development opportunities via your role in planning your school’s outreach program to undergraduate women
  • A lifelong connection with the Forté Foundation community.

Selection process is:

  • Application to sponsor school.
  • Prospective students receive an offer of admission into sponsor school’s MBA program.
  • Student receives consideration for all scholarships available through that institution.
  • Selections of fellows by the school.
  • Sponsor school notifies the foundation of its selections.
  • Note: Students of all nationalities are eligible for consideration.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates must demonstrate outstanding leadership in one or more ways such as academic leadership, team leadership, community leadership, and creative leadership.
  • Candidates must show a commitment to women and girls via personal mentor-ship or community involvement. Such commitment is in alignment with the mission of Foundation.
Quick Overview–———–
OrganizationForté Foundation
Fellowship LevelMaster’s
Subject areasManagement
Fellowship amountNot mentioned
EligibilityOpen for international Students


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