ICAS: MP: Multiple Senior and Postdoctoral Short-Term Fellowships 1926 views

The M.S. Merian–R. Tagore International Centre of Advanced Studies “Metamorphoses of the Political: Comparative Perspectives on the Long Twentieth Century” (ICAS: MP), a project under the aegis of the Max Weber Stiftung India Branch Office, is inviting applications for multiple senior and postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year July 2020-June 2021.

The ICAS: MP is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and has its main location in New Delhi, India.

Research Themes:
  • History as a Political Category
  • Labour as a Political Category
  • Critiques and Renewals of Democracy
  • Normative Conflicts and Transformations
  • The Challenge of Gender
  • Political Economy of Growth and Distribution


  • Senior Fellowships: up to 6 months
  • Postdoctoral Fellowships: up to 7 months


  • Applicants from related Social Sciences and Humanities disciplines working on thematic fields relevant to ICAS: MP are invited to apply.
  • The fellowships are open to applicants of all nationalities.
  • Applicants based at German and Indian academic institutions are particularly encouraged to apply.
  • Senior Fellows must have a well-established research and publications profile, and a record of substantial (institutional or independent) academic work following the PhD.
  • Postdoctoral Fellows must have successfully completed all requirements for their PhD at the time of commencing the fellowship.


  • Single PDF comprising list of publications; project description of 3000 words including description of relevance and fit with ICAS:MP research theme; research schedule for the fellowship period.
  • Cover letter (1 page) outlining research experience and academic qualifications
  • Postdoctoral fellows should also provide (1) an academic reference letter (the referee should submit this directly to Prateek Batra: batra@mwsindia.org); (2) a copy of their PhD degree or a letter from their supervisor/department head confirming that they will have completed all requirements for the PhD degree at the time of commencing their fellowship.
  • All materials should be sent by email to Prateek Batra (batra@mwsindia.org)
—————–Quick Overview————-
Organization M.S. Merian – R. Tagore International Centre of Advanced Studies (ICAS:MP)
Country India
Fellowship Level Postdoctoral
Subject areas Social Science, Humanities
Fellowship amount Varies
Eligibility Varies
Deadline 30 June 2019

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