Institute for Advanced Study (IAST): Postdoc Research fellowships 4049 views

Institute for Advanced Study (IAST) welcome applications from researchers within a large range of disciplines in the social, behavioral and life sciences: anthropology, evolutionary biology, economics, genetics, history, law, mathematics, neuroscience, philosophy, political science, psychology and sociology; however, motivated applications from outside these disciplines will be given full consideration. Successful applicants will have to demonstrate an interest in, and a commitment to, at least one of the other disciplines of IAST.

Specific study areas:
  • In history: quantitative economic history (cliometrics), empirical political economy in history, qualitative economic or social history; emergence and dynamics of institutions and networks.
  • In evolutionary biology: theoretical models of evolution (applied to family structure, strategic interactions, plasticity, cognition, learning, cultural evolution); related empirical work.
  • In anthropology: human biology, life history theory, human development and plasticity, health and infectious disease, aging, demography, host-parasite co-evolution, diet and nutrition, global health, evolutionary medicine and genetics.
  • In political science: public opinion and public policies, political economy, political institutions, development, experimental political science, studies of networks and their impact on individual and collective action.
  • In law: law and economics, corporate governance, criminology.
  • In psychology: cognition, beliefs, identity, memory, the emotions, culture, social trust, gender, group decision-making.
  • In sociology: network formation, the impact of networks on social outcomes, sociology of religion.
  • In genetics and neuroscience: mental state representation, personality, intelligence.


  • Candidates with a strong research background in their own discipline, but willing and able to develop research projects drawing on IAST’s substantial interdisciplinary resources, including particularly the proximity of strong groups in economics (Toulouse School of Economics, TSE) are encouraged to apply.
  • Eligible applicants for 2020 must be active researchers who have or will have completed their PhD after December 2016 and before September 2020.
  • Motivated applications will be considered from candidates whose PhDs were completed in 2016 or earlier; please explain your reasons in your cover letter.


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—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationInstitute for Advanced Study (IAST)
Fellowship LevelResearch awards
Subject areasSocial Sciences, Behavioral Sciences and Life Sciences
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineNovember 15th 2019

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