MNDRIA: Postdoctoral Research Fellowships, Australia 2167 views

MNDRIA (MND Research Institute of Australia) offers Postdoctoral Fellowships for young researchers to focus their interest on MND (motor neurone disease). Postdoc fellowships are directed towards the areas of neuroscience related to MND. Salary for a full-time research fellow will be funded at $100,000/year for a period of up to 3 years.

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • Applicant must be an Australian national or have permanent residential status.
  • At the time applying, applicants must have max. 3 years research experience from the date their doctoral thesis.
  • Applicants who submit their completed doctoral thesis before the end of 2016 will be considered, but the Fellowship cannot be taken up by the applicant until the thesis has been passed.
  • The Fellowship may commence on 1 Jan. 2017 and must commence before 1 July 2017.
  • A full-time salary will be funded at $100,000 per year for a maximum period of three years.


  • Detailed research plan for a full-time three-year project
  • Background and research plan
  • Curriculum Vitae which must include the names of 3 academic referees who must provide reports before the deadline. Reports must be sent to : Janet Nash at
  • Covering Letter from a supporting institution
  • Completed cover sheet

Note: Applications must be forwarded in Word or pdf format (do not scan) and its size is limited to a maximum of 1 MB. Font size must be at least 10 pt.

—————Quick Overview————-

MNDRIA (MND Research Institute of Australia)

Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasNeuroscience
Fellowship amount$100,000/year
EligibilityOpen for Australian nationals
DeadlineAugust (Yearly)

Applications to be sent to Janet Nash, Executive Officer Research by email to

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