Nottingham Trent University (NTU) is pleased to offer opportunities in School of Science and Technology. University offers a 5 year Research Fellow contract, to be followed by transfer to a permanent lectureship. NTU is keen to appeal exceptional researchers in a range of specialisms to join the community as Independent Research Fellows.

NTU calls applications from brilliant UK based or international candidates with a background of high impact research, an accelerating research path, and a pledge to the academic effort of the University.

Subject areas of the Independent Research Fellowship Scheme:

  1. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Human Disease
  2. Chemistry at the Biological Interface
  3. Functional Materials
  4. Cognitive Robotics for Health and Wellbeing
  5. Affective Computing
  6. Microbiology and Infection
  7. Biomedical Mathematics
  8. Materials Physics
  9. Big Data Analytics in Medical Diagnostics and Therapeutics
  10. Musculoskeletal Physiology or Biology
  11. Paediatric Exercise Physiology

Note: applicants will be expected to visit the University in order to discuss their proposed research plans.

Application Procedure:

  • Prospective applicant must send a ‘draft’ CV to the named contact person (by e-mail) to affirm an interest in a fellowship.
  • CVs must not be loaded onto the online submission system at this stage.
  • Contact person invites the probable candidate to meet the project team at NTU if judged suitable.
  • Potential candidate visits the project team at NTU to discuss research and career plans; for applicants from outside UK, it may be possible to arrange a Skype discussion.
  • Potential candidate then submits a 5 year research plan plus a final CV via the online submission system.
  • Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a formal interview.

For initial informal enquiries:

  • Professor Martin McGinnity, Dean of School (
  • Professor Ellen Billett, School Research Co-coordinator (

For specific enquiries:

  • Dr Alan McNally, Reader in Microbial Genomics (
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationNottingham Trent University (NTU)
Fellowship LevelResearcher
Subject areasNatural Sciences
Fellowship amountNot mentioned
EligibilityOpen for International applicants
Deadline20 June 2016


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One Comment

  1. Shilpa mehta

    Good information available. Please keep me updated.


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