PhD position in Chemistry, University of Iceland 1628 views

The Department of Chemistry within the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences at the University of Iceland has a full time open PhD position. The position is funded by the University of Iceland’s Research Fund for three years. Dr. Krishna K Damodaran is the supervisor of this project.

About the Project:
  • Project title: “Supramolecular gels as crystallising media for pharmaceutical compounds”.
  • The successful candidate will develop bis(urea/amide) gelators, which gel to give a fibre surface that chemically mimic to the target materials.
  • The candidate will try to develop better and more efficient mechanism of supramolecular gel formation and their importance in isolating polymorphs.
  • Candidate will have an opportunity to get hands-on experience in X-ray crystallography, which will enable the candidate to utilise this expertise in associated research areas.


  • Applicant must hold MSc degree in chemistry.
  • Good knowledge of multi-step organic synthesis and interest for research at the interface with inorganic and/or materials chemistry will be beneficial.
  • Applicant must have Good analytical and interdisciplinary thinking and must be able to take initiative and motivation to excel.
  • Applicant must possess strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English.


Include the following in the application:

  • Letter of intent, which states candidates interest in the project, expectations for PhD studies, career goals, and what makes him/her qualified for the position (max 2 pages)
  • Curriculum Vitae and publication list (if any)
  • Confirmed course transcripts from B.S. and M.S. studies, and other relevant courses, with grades
  • Confirmed copies of academic degrees (B.S. and M.S. diplomas, or equivalent, or a letter from supervisor stating the date of planned M.S. defense).
  • A documented TOEFL score for non-native English speakers.
  • Two recommendation letters and contact information (position, institute, address, email and phone number, along with stated relationship between applicant and referee).
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity of Iceland
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasChemistry
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineJuly 1st, 2019

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