Phd Position in Computer or Electrical & Electronic Engineering, UK 1918 views

PHD STUDENTSHIP IN SURREY SPACE CENTRE for the work `Hot patching mission critical software over a lossy command link` at the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Guildford. The positon in Full Time (Reference: 003216)

Description / Scope: This PhD research project aims to investigate updating on-board software, live, over a lossy command link and in a high radiation environment and to compare any new approach to more traditional bootloader techniques.

Requirements : The candidate will be expected to work with the

  • original STRaND-1 team to characterise the existing STRaND-1 command chain,
  • detailed behaviour of the protocol when used over a lossy link, from ground segment to on-board computer,
  • investigating strategies to improve the command chain,
  • ensuring the solution is generic enough to be applied to different software and hardware architectures.

The improvements could include:

  • Updates to the communication protocol, and strategy for migrating from one protocol to another
  • Making use of on-silicon microprocessor peripherals
  • Making the existing approach safer, more robust and more adaptable
  • Further minimising the amount of uplinked data for a given software update
  • Challenging conventional wisdom on the use of dynamic memory allocation

Please note this studentship is only available to Home/EU applicants.  The studentship covers Home/EU fees and a maintenance in-line with EPSRC rates.

How to apply:

  • Applicants are invited to apply online: Click here
  • In the field labelled “Intended Research Area” please enter “Hot patching mission critical software over a lossy command link/Dr Chris Bridges”   Please also send a copy of your CV, a cover letter (including a brief description of your research interests).

Deadline: 29 February 2016, interviews to be held shortly thereafter, Start date: 1 April 2016

For informal inquiries contact: Dr Chris Bridges, email:

Closing Date: Monday 29 February 2016

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