PhD position in Electrical Engineering, science and art, technology 1460 views


Aalto University is a community of bold thinkers where science and art meet technology and business

About the position:

  1. Your will participate in creating quantum optics experiments.
  2. The main project is to experimentally realize a theoretically proposed quantum illumination experiment.
  3. This research would make up a new very interesting field for a variety of applications in quantum communications, sensing and imaging.
  4. You can also participate in the research of optical properties of various Nonomaterial, such as two-dimensional layered materials, and their heterostructures for various photonic and optoelectronic applications.
  5. You’ll get to conduct high quality research independently, and to work as an active member of the Micro and Quantum Systems research group by taking part in guiding of M.Sc. students.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The selected PhD student is expected to complete doctoral research and studies within four years in the Doctoral Programme in Electrical Engineering of Aalto University.

How to Apply:

  1. Please submit your application through our recruiting system by using “Apply now!” link below. Include the following documents in English
    1. Motivation letter (max 1 page),
    2. CV (with the list of publications, if you have
    3. Course transcripts of Master´s degree with grades and
    4. References (please attach reference letters or a list of names and contact information of your referees).
Quick Overview:
Type of positionPhD
Subject areasElectrical Engineering ,science and art ,technology
DeadlineSeptember 30,2020

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