PhD Studentship: Chemistry, Material Science 1380 views

The School of Natural and Environmental Sciences at Newcastle University is sponsoring a PhD studentship in Inorganic Chemistry-Unconventional Alkali Metal Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry.

About the position:
  • The applications are open to an enthusiastic PhD student to bring alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) chemistry into new vistas for the first time over 100 years, and develop applications in energy storage and catalysis.
  • This 3-year studentship will be supervised by Dr Erli Lu, working on synthetic inorganic chemistry of alkali metals on unconventional oxidation states (0, -1), and exploiting applications of the unprecedented compounds in catalysis (N2 activation) and energy storage.
  • During the PhD period, the selected candidate will receive intense training and hands-on experience in synthetic inorganic chemistry of air-/moisture-sensitive materials, using Schlenk line/Glovebox techniques.
  • The selected candidate will characterise the compounds by a full range of analytical methods, including X-ray crystallography, EPR spectroscopy and SQUID magnetometry, as well as investigate their applications in N2 activation and battery material.
  • The candidate will also obtain experience in electrochemistry. The expertise and experience will be invaluable asset for further career development, in both academia and industry.
  • The project is highly interdisciplinary, thus a chance to work collaboratively with researchers at North East Centre for Energy Materials (NECEM) at Newcastle, Durham and Northumbria, the University of Manchester, and PI’s collaborative institutes in China and US.
  • Name of supervisor(s): Dr Erli Lu and Dr Keith Izod, School of Natural and Environmental Sciences.

Value of award: 100% of UK/EU tuition fees paid and annual living expenses of £15,009 (full award).

Start date: January 2020

Duration: for 3 years.


  • Applicant must have, or expect to achieve, at least a 2:1 honour degree or international equivalent, in chemistry, material science or a related subject.
  • The award is available to UK/EU applicants only.
  • If English is not the first language, then candidate must have IELTS 6.5 overall (with a minimum of 5.5 in all sub-skills).

How to apply:

Apply online via postgraduate application system and follow the procedure:

  • insert the programme code 8100F in the programme of study section
  • select ‘PhD Chemistry – Chemistry’ as the programme of study
  • insert the studentship code NES024 in the studentship/partnership reference field
  • attach a covering letter and CV. The covering letter must state the title of the studentship, quote reference code NES024 and state how the interests and experience relate to the project attach degree transcripts and certificates and, if English is not the first language, a copy of English language qualifications.
  • Send covering letter and CV to Dr Erli Lu by email to, or Dr Keith Izod by email to
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationNewcastle University
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasChemistry, Material Science
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to UK/EU candidates
Deadline30th September 2019

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