Postdoc Position in Theoretical chemistry, MPI CEC 1888 views

Postdoc – position in theoretical chemistry or physics and experience in computational chemistry at the The department “Molecular Theory and Spectroscopy”

Position: Postdoc (f/m) with a PhD degree in theoretical chemistry or physics & experience in computational chemistry.

A postdoc position is available in the group of Alexander A. Auer (Dept. Professor Dr. Frank Neese) in molecular & heterogeneous catalysis, combined with computational chemistry.

Job Description:

  1. The Laboratory is presently looking for a candidate with a strong background in theoretical chemistry to strengthen the research team.
  2. The candidate will carry out a highly relevant project in the field of materials science, heterogeneous catalysis and computational spectroscopy.
  3. Research topics cover a broad range of quantum chemistry applications using the ORCA quantum chemistry package that include embedded cluster calculations, study of reaction mechanisms & simulation of x-ray spectra.

Required Qualifications:

  1. PhD degree in theoretical chemistry or physics and experience in the application of quantum chemical methods is required.
  2. Basic knowledge in heterogeneous catalysis & electrochemistry is helpful.

Application Procedure:.

Please send electronic versions of your documents & address all enquiries to Alexander A. Auer (contact details shown below).

Application documents must include:

  1. A cover letter,
  2. A curriculum vitae with the contact details of two (02) referees and a copy of your PhD certificate.

Deadline: 7th of April, 2017

 Alexander A. Auer
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion


  1. The vacant position is to be filled as soon as possible, however the starting date is flexible.
  2. The position is initially for twelve months
  3. Remunerations are according to the labor agreement for public service (TVöD), E13. A prolongation is possible.
——Quick Overview———
OrganizationMax Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Energiekonversion
Subject areasChemistry (Theoretical chemistry)
Deadline7th of April, 2017

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