Postdoctoral Position at E2S UPPA 2074 views

Postdoctoral Position at E2S UPPA: Energy Environment Solutions( E2S), University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) and the University of Pau, France invited applications from highly qualified for filling up the Postdoctoral Position postdoc position funded by the project E2S UPPA (Energy Environment Solutions) which has a core scientific domain focused on Environment and Energy to meet challenges related to the energy transition, geo-resources, aquatic habitats and the environmental effects of natural and anthropogenic changes.

Project: Dynamic and associated isotopic fractionation of iron in the environment.

Position: Postdoctoral Position

Hosting laboratory: IPREM, UMR CNRS 5254, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour

Location: IPREM, Technopôle Helioparc, Pau, France

Duration: Three years

Salary: 35 k€ / year (which includes extra gratification for teaching duties – 64h).

Educational qualifications: Interested and eligible candidates must have Ph.D Degree in environmental sciences having experience in aqueous and isotope geochemistry, ability to work in an interdisciplinary team environment (Analytical Chemistry-Biogeochemistry-Microbiology).

Closing Date: April 26th, 2019.

How to apply: Interested and eligible applicants should send their applications in a single pdf file mentioning [Postdoc] in the subject of email before April 26th, 2019, by email to David Amouroux (  and Olivier Donard ( with Curriculum Vitae, Cover letter, publication list two reference letters, contact details of at least two relevant professionals who can provide a reference letter based on request, a copy of PhD diploma, report provided after the PhD defense (‘Rapport de soutenance de thèse’ or equivalent) and reports from the principal examinators of the PhD defense jury (‘Avis des rapporteurs’ or equivalent).

Quick Overview——–
OrganizationE2S UPPA
PositionPostdoctoral Position
Country  France, Europe
Subject areasEnvironmental sciences (Analytical Chemistry-Biogeochemistry-Microbiology)
Salary 35 k€ / year (which includes extra gratification for teaching
EligibilityPh.D Degree in related subjects.
DeadlineApril 26th, 2019

For more information: For detailed announcement and instructions for submission of application, eligibility requirements, other terms and conditions, please visit the link given below.


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