Postdoctoral positions: Zoology/Immunology 1583 views

The Faculty of Science, Department of Zoology at Charles University invites applications for the postdoctoral positions in the project “Impact of neuroinflammation on brain development and learning in cognitively advanced birds”.

About the project:
  • The objective of this PostDoc project is to link local inflammation in birds with neuroinflammation and provide evidence for its effect on brain development and function.
  • Methods such as immunocytochemistry, isotropic fractionation, tissue-specific RNA-seq, RT-qPCR and proteomic analysis of cerebrospinal fluid through gel-free quantitative LC-MS/MS will be used and biodiversity-based approach adopted.
  • Focusing on birds that represent superior models for research in cognition to rodents (passerines and parrots)
  • The Postdoc project opens new possibilities for interdisciplinary research of neuroimmunology.

Duration: May 2018 to December 2020 (the starting date is flexible)


  • Applicant must have experience in neurobiology, histology, immunology and/or zoology
  • Applicant must hold PhD degree in one of the above or related fields
  • Applicant must possess good English language skills and (at least basic) statistical.

Remuneration: 37,000 CZK per month; moving in allowance of 72,000 CZK


  • Applicants are required to send following documents to Dr. Michal Vinkler (
  • CV including a list of publications
  • Copy of PhD diploma
  • Motivation letter
  • Contact details for 2–3 referees (references)
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationCharles University
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
CountryCzech Republic
Subject areasZoology, Immunology, Neuroscience, History
Fellowship amount37,000 CZK per month
Deadline15th March 2018

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