Reginald Kitchin Scholarship is offered by the Australian National University (ANU) College of Medicine, Biology & Environment & ANU College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Scholarship Value: $5,000/annum

Subject Areas: Orthopaedics or musculo skeletal conditions.


  • Applicant may be an Australian national, Permanent Resident of Australia or is an overseas student.
  • Applicant must be enrolled or wishing to enroll in the Honours year of a program leading to the award of a degree of Bachelor with Honours, at The Australian National University.
  • Applicant enrolled or wanting to enroll in the Honours year of a combined program leading to two degrees, one of which will lead to the award of a degree of Bachelor with Honours enrolled in IInd or IIIrd year of the Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) Program at the ANU Medical School.
  • If no applicant is found eligible or suitable for the award of the scholarship, the scholarship may be granted to the student who is enrolled in a program of study resulting to the award of a research Masters (MPhil), PhD at the ANU.

How to apply:

  • Applications will be invited for with a closing date as set from time to time by the Dean of Medicine and Health Sciences.
  • The Dean shall decide, in any year, whether academic references shall be requested as part of the application process.
  • The full application process will be publicized from time to time.
  • An applicant who is not currently a student of the University must apply separately and simultaneously for admission to the University.
  • The application form must be completed and submitted by the closing date.
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationAustralian National University (ANU)
Fellowship LevelBachelor’s, Master’s
Subject areasMedicine, Orthopaedics, Biology
Fellowship amount$5,000/annum
EligibilityOpen for all nationalities
Deadline30th November


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