Research Fellow (Environmental Engineering): NTU 1009 views

The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is looking for a Research Fellow position.

  • Build up capabilities in food waste/wastewater based analytical platform, e.g., chemical compounds identification and quantification, targeted and untargeted analysis in wastewater, metal speciation analysis, etc.
  • Establish the resource recovery systems for value-added products
  • Design and operate lab-scale and pilot-scale engineering systems for valuable intracellular compounds production
  • Perform data analysis and interpretation on the fate and occurrence of organic and nutrient compounds in the waste and biosystems
  • Supervise and train junior team members for analytical method development
  • Write research papers and assist in preparation of project summary and oral presentation slides


  • Applicant must hold PhD in a suitable field, viz. Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering or other related filed
  • High motivation for research and development
  • Proficiency in mass spectrometry, GC, LC and other related analytical techniques
  • Hands-on experience in environmental/wastewater engineering/fermentation
  • Experience in intracellular compounds analysis and production
  • Good written and communication skills
  • Experience in carrying out independent research as well as to be able to work in a team

How to apply:

Apply online

—————–Quick Overview————-
Organization Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Country Singapore
Fellowship Level Research associate
Subject areas Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Fellowship amount Varies
Eligibility Open to all nationalities
Deadline Varies

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