RSE/STFC Enterprise Fellowships 1147 views

Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) together with the RSE (Royal Society of Edinburgh), offer support for STFC funded scientists who want to develop a business idea based on STFC funded research.


  • The fellowship gives one year’s salary and business training, to the Enterprise Fellow – the aim being to give someone the time and skills to set up a viable business as a result of the STFC science programme.

About the fellowship:

  • Enterprise Fellowships are designed to encourage exploitation of the STFC research programme.
  • Applications may be submitted on any subject provided that the original research or technological developments have their origin as part of a programme largely funded by STFC, or in the case of nuclear physics programme previously funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
  • Enterprise Fellowships are designed to encourage exploitation of the STFC research programme.
  • This scheme is run jointly by STFC and the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) and is part of the Council’s Industry Programme.
  • The Fellowships provide a unique opportunity for researchers to spend a year gaining business training whilst developing the commercialisation of their existing research. The training provided aims to support fellows through an active process of business planning and implementation.

How to apply:

  • Applications may be submitted by logging in or after registering for an account.
  • Application documents can then be downloaded from the Apply For Funding area after signed-in
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationScience and Technology Facilities Council and Royal Society of Edinburgh
Fellowship LevelResearch awards
Subject areasAll disciplines
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityDegree in relevant subject
DeadlineNovember 1, 2017

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