Transdisciplinary PhD Position: Nano-Analytics of Cellular Systems 907 views

The Doctorate College “Nano-Analytics of Cellular Systems” at Johannes Kepler University has an immediate job opening for a PhD Student position in the frame of the highly interdisciplinary doctorate college “Nano-Analytics of Cellular Systems (NanoCell)“ funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).

About the position:
  • The educational and research program integrates numerous fields encompassing biophysics, cell biology, nanotechnology, soft matter physics, molecular and structural biology, genetics, bio-organic and inorganic chemistry, theoretical and applied physics, mathematical modelling, and scientific computing.
  • The major scientific aim is to span the gap between the processes of expression, structural arrangements, and molecular recognition on one side, and membrane transport, cell motility, and differentiation on the other side.


  • Applicant must hold Master or equivalent Degree in Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biology (completed before the contract starting date)
  • Multidisciplinary interests and qualifications (Physics/Chemistry/Biology)
  • High level of English and good communication skills
  • Ability to organize and prioritize own work and organize research within the project schedule.
  • Computer literacy, analytical skills and effective team working

Duration: 3 years PhD contract

Remuneration: minimum salary € 2,162.40 gross per month (14x per year, CA Job Grade: B1)


Application to be sent via email to peter.hinterdorfer and nanocell@jku including:

  • Application form
  • CV
  • Full academic sheet (including scientific background, training and expertise, research interest
  • Motivation for joining the project
  • Publication list
—————–Quick Overview————-
Organization Johannes Kepler University
Country Austria
Fellowship Level Doctoral
Subject areas Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biology
Fellowship amount € 2,162.40 gross per month
Eligibility Open to all nationalities
Deadline September 1st, 2019

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