WALK-IN-INTERVIEW will held on mentioned dates for scientists positions at National Institute of Miners Health, (An Autonomous Institute under Ministry of Mines. Government of India), Amravati Road, Wadi, Nagpur – 440 023.
National Institute of Miners’ Health, Nagpur is a Centre of Excellence established with the objectives of applied research on Occupational Health issues of miners and providing Technical Support Service to the mining and mineral based industry.
Following posts in NIMH are to be filled up on purely temporary basis for the S&T project titled “Multi centric study of dust related diseases in stone mines and development of sustainable preventive program”.
SI. No. | Designation and Age | Pay Scale | No. of Posts | Category | Qualification & Experience |
1 | RESEARCH SCIENTIST(MEDICAL) Age: S45yrs. | ConsolidatedPay *41.463/-P.M. + HRA | 02 | UR | Essential Qualification: M.B.B.S. Desirable Qualification:Postgradualem Epidemiology/ Community Medicine/PSM. |
2 | RESEARCH SCIENTIST(NON-MEDICAL) Age:s45yrs. | ConsolidatedPay *31,831/-P.M. + HRA | 01 | UK | Essential Qualification:M.Sc. First class in Environmental Science. Essential Experience: 3 years in Environmental Monitoring studies. Desirable Experience: Experience in Dust Monitoring and FTIRand research publication |
3 | SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOWAge: <35yrs. | ConsolidatedPay ? 18,000/- P.M. + HRA (As admissible) | 01 | UR | Essential Qualification:M.Sc. First class in Environmental Science/Chemistry. Essential Experience: 2 years research experience and good working knowledge in Environmental Monitoring studies. Desirable Experience: Experience in DusI Monitoring and FTIR. |
4 | JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOWAge:S28yrs. | ConsolidatedPay 716,000/-P.M. + HRA | 02 | UR | Essential Qualification:M.Sc First class in Environmental Science/Chemistry. Desirable Experience: With research experience and good working |
5 | SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOWAge:s35yrs. | ConsolidatedPay ? 18,000/-P.M. + HRA | 02 | UR | Essential Qualification:M.Sc. First class in Biochemistry/Biotechnology. Essential Experience: 2 years in basic laboratory techniques. Desirable: Preference will be given lo the candidates |
6 | JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOWAge:s28yrs. | ConsolidatedPay ? 16.000/-P.M. + HRA | 02 | UR | Essential Qualification:M.Sc. First class in Biochemlslry/Biotechnology. Desirable Experience: With research experience and good working knowledge in basic laboratory techniques. |
The following posts are required in Occupational Hygient | i department to work in various clientele projects. | ||||
7 | PROJECT ASSISTANTAge:£28yrs. (Occupational Hygiene) | f 10,0007- Consolidated | 02 | UR | Essential Qualification:B.Sc with Physics & Chemistry/B.Sc In Environmental Science or Electronics/BE/B. Tech. in Electronlcsor Instrumentation/Diploma in Mining Engineering. The candidates must have Mathematics at |
Detailed application form along with terms and conditions can be downloaded from the institute website
www.nlmh.gov.ln under (he sub-head Career.
The Interested candidates to appear for Walk-in-lnterview on the following dates between 11.00 AM to 4.00 PM:-Post 1: 22 June 2015. Posts 2,3,4: 24 June 2015, Posts 5,6:26
June2015, Post7:29 June2015.