02 PhD positions: Chemical Characterization and Environmental Impact 1092 views

The Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre (DHRTC) at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) invite applications for two PhD positions on chemical characterization and environmental impact assessment of produced water.

About the project:
  • Project 1 – Characterization of dissolved crude oil constituents in crude oil
  • Project 2 – Improved environmental impact assessment of petroleum constituents in produced water


  • Candidates should have a two-year master’s degree (120 ECTS points) or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to a two-year master’s degree in environmental, physical or analytical chemistry or similar fields.
  • Exceptional skills and interest in analytical experimental, physical and analytical chemistry.
  • Experience with and interest in environmental chemistry.
  • Experience from MSc level with high resolution mass spectrometry, IR spectroscopy, chemometrics and separation techniques (especially for Project 1).
  • Some knowledge of environmental science and environmental impact assessment desirable (especially for Project 2).
  • Strong interest in applied research.
  • Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary environment.
  • Excellent writing and communication skills in English.


Apply online and the file must include:

  • A letter motivating the application (cover letter)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Grade transcripts and BSc/MSc diploma
—————–Quick Overview————-
Organization Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Country Denmark
Fellowship Level Doctoral
Subject areas Environmental chemistry, Physical chemistry,  Analytical chemistry
Fellowship amount Varies
Eligibility Open to all nationalities
Deadline 30 November 2020

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