INPhINIT: la Caixa Fellowship programme, PhD positions 5117 views

INPhINIT is a new PhD fellowship programme dedicated to attracting international Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) to the top Spanish research centres.

Subject areas:

  • Bio Sciences
  • Health Sciences
  • Physics
  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics

Number of fellowships: INPhINIT recruits per call 65 Early-Stage Researchers

Nationality: open to all nationalities

Duration: 3-year employment contract

Location: Research Centre of choice among those selected and awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

Funding agency: European Commission’s support through the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – COFUND programme


  • Applicant must, at the time of recruitment, must be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and not yet have been awarded a PhD degree.
  • Applicant must have completed the studies that lead to an official Spanish (or from another country of the European Higher Education Area) university degree awarding 300 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 ECTS credits must correspond to master level.
  • Applicant must have completed a degree in a non-Spanish university not adapted to the European Higher Education Area that gives access to PhD studies.
  • Applicant must not have stayed or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than a year in the 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment date.
  • Applicants demonstrate high level of English proficiency (B2 or higher).

How to apply:

—————Quick Overview————-
Organizationla Caixa Foundation
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areas

Bio and Health Sciences, Technology, Physics, Engineering and Mathematics

Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineApplications accepted Several times a year


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