Integrated Drylands Management: Master’s, UNU Canada 2072 views

Integrated Drylands Management

The Joint Master’s Degree (M.Sc) Program on Integrated Drylands Management brings together different expertise and scientific resources of the partner institutes to build advanced human capital, and generate and adapt global knowledge for local solutions in drylands. The program provides young professionals and scientists an international perspective on integrated resources management approaches in drylands and allows them to gain practical experience in different dryland countries. Throughout the program, a strong emphasis will be placed on multidisciplinary approaches.

Admission Requirements:

  • Applicants must already be registered in a Master’s degree program at one of the Program partner institutes and have completed their basic course work.
  • Applicants registered in a Master’s program at an accredited university outside the Program partners may be eligible to apply if they have completed their basic coursework, and can establish a link with a Program partners for their field research and thesis work which will be undertaken jointly with their current supervisor.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a proved competence in relevant research methodologies, laboratory and computer skills.
  • Applicants must demonstrate proof of proficiency in English (oral and written).
  • Applicants must submit a research proposal of 5 pages, whose priority aligns with that of program partner who will host the proposed research.
  • Working experience in dryland management is desirable.

How to Apply

  • The following supporting documents must be submitted together with the completed and signed 2015-2016 application form.
  • For applicants registered with a Program partner, a letter of nomination from your supervisor/university where you are registered certifying completion of basic course work.
  • For applicants registered at an accredited university outside the Program partners, a letter of nomination from your supervisor university where you are registered certifying completion of basic course work and clarifying the link between your university and one of the M.Sc Program partners for joint supervision of research and thesis work.
  • A certified copy of academic transcripts for each institution attended.
  • An original, detailed M.Sc research proposal of 5 pages clearly outlining the problem statement, literature review, research question, methodology, expected results, workplan, and timetable.
  • Two (2) original supporting letters of reference, one (1) of which must be from your current supervisor.
  • Evidence of English proficiency (e.g., TOEFL score, English certificate, etc.), where English is not your first language
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUnited Nations University
Fellowship LevelMaster’s
Subject areasAgriculture, Water management
Fellowship amount
EligibilityRead above
Deadline30 June 2016

Contact: Dr Nidhi Nagabhatla


For Further Details: Click



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