Marine Sciences: International Postdoc fellowship 2122 views

International postdoctoral fellowships program in Marine Sciences offered by LabexMER for young scientists.  The “Interdisciplinary School for the Blue Planet” – ISblue with LabexMER have generated a new post-doctoral program to allow young scientists to propose their own research project in marine sciences (within the LabexMER research axes) to be carried out in one or several LabexMER laboratories.  The competitive awards are designed to further the education and training of the applicant with primary emphasis placed on the individual’s research promise and relevance to Labex Mer research Axis.

  • Applicants must have doctoral degree within the past 3 years at the closing date of the call.
  • The condition of three years maximum after the thesis is considered either from the defense date or the graduation date and can be extended in special cases (maternity/illness).
  • Applicants showing more than 3 years after thesis (maximum 3 years+6 months) will be considered only if they provide a support letter from one member of the LabexMER Scientific Committee.

How to apply:

  • Apply online
  • Applicants will have to submit original research project relevant to one of the Labex research areas and propose collaboration with a local host.
  • The local host(s) must be affiliated to one of the LabexMER laboratories and be responsible for providing enough office and laboratory space for the duration of the postdoctoral tenure.
  • Communication with one or several probable LabexMER hosts prior to submitting an application is strongly recommended.
—————Quick Overview————-
Organization LabexMER
Fellowship Level Postdoctoral
Country France
Subject areas Marine Science
Fellowship amount 2200€/month
Eligibility Open for all nationalities
Deadline 23 April 2020


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