Postdoc Position in Synthetic Chemistry–MOLEMAT: ERC Consolidator Grant 1595 views

MOLEMAT (Molecularly Engineered Materials and process for Perovskite solar cell technology) is a EU funded, excellence research project (ERC) aiming to develop a new technology for solar cells which is beyond silicon. Basque Center for Materials, applications and nanostructures (BCMaterials) invites applications for a Postdoc position in Synthetic Chemistry.


  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Materials Science
  • Engineering (theory and experiment)

About the position:

  • A post doctorate fellow in synthetic chemistry is will be recruited.
  • The project will mainly build on designing new materials and its integration in perovskite solar cells fabrication.
  • The work will be carried out at BCMaterials and will enjoy collaboration with world leading research group.
  • The project starting date is as soon as possible, the salary is highly competitive and is at par with other EU scientific establishments.
  • Interview will be conducted after the deadline.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • The selected fellow will be responsible for laboratory experiments, fulfilling the project objectives, result dissemination and will provide guidance to the Ph.D candidates.
  • Writing reports, scientific articles on the research results.


  • Applicant must hold PhD in Materials Science, Chemistry or Chemical Engineering (PhD submitted candidate can also apply).
  • Applicant must have high level of motivation and independent thinking abilities.
  • Applicant must have previous experience in materials synthesis, device fabrication, solar cells; well versed in synthesis part
  • Applicant must have hands-on experience in device fabrication, band gap engineering and device physics.
  • Applicant must have good publications record as first author in prestigious journals
  • Applicant must possess proficiency in English, good interpersonal, presentation skills.

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—————–Quick Overview————-
Organization BCMaterials
Fellowship Level Postdoctoral
Country Spain
Subject areas

Materials Science, Chemistry or Chemical Engineering

Fellowship amount Varies
Eligibility PhD
Deadline 2017 November 18

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